Kymira Infrared Technology: Happy Blessing: My Back, My Shoulders!

Darren Stevens & Kymira infrard technology

Few names in cricket resonate with enduring excellence and adaptability. One of those names is Darren Stevens. His career, spanning over two decades, has been marked by remarkable achievements and a strong commitment to his sport. As we reflect on his success, we delve into the wisdom he shared on training, performance, and embracing technology, particulary Kymira infrared technology. Tech redefined his approach to the game.

Having embraced the Kymira effect, Stevens offered his insights on how infrared technology benefits athletes. Here is his take on how infrared technology helps – totally relevant to any outdoor sports, including angling, golf, or clay and game shooting. All these sports, just like cricket, place similar stresses on the body. We extracted these quotes from an interview conducted before his retirement.

The Wisden Honour: Darren Stevens was one of Wisden’s five Cricketers of the Year in 2021 recognising his exceptional talent and longevity in the sport. At 45, he became the oldest player to receive this honour since 1933. This milestone underscored his long top-level performance in domestic cricket. His 190-run feat is a shining example of his capability to excel against competitors of all ages.

Embracing Innovation: KYMIRA Infrared Technology and the Power of Recovery

“Getting involved with KYMIRA has been a blessing, a Godsend! I’ve been wearing it since October. I wear it every day, and I don’t want to take it off. If I’m still performing, I’m still playing, and the worry is if I take it off, I don’t want that old feeling back, so I’m constantly wearing it!”

Throughout his career, Stevens has seen and adapted to the changes in cricket training methods. Throughout his youth, Stevens relentlessly pursued the game. However, in his later years, he adopted a more measured and strategic approach. His training regime changed to focus on longevity and effectiveness.

Darren hit the nail on the head for all of us who train and commit to a sport; “It’s all about the training now. As much as sport is a huge and varied discipline, nothing helps you progress like training. Your muscles need to learn and grow. Your endurance needs to keep up to your potential. Match your strength to your passion.” His partnership with KYMIRA Infrared technology was pivotal. It played a key role in this transition. It offered him the support needed to play more and better.

Stevens’ work with KYMIRA showed how important innovation is. It lets us enjoy our sports for longer. Integrating advanced sports tech into his routine let him manage muscle soreness better. It also helped him recover more effectively. This enabled him to keep playing at a high level despite the challenges of aging.

KYMIRA’s Role in Recovery

Wearing Kymira Infrared Technology Recovery Colletion

“I don’t take it off! I wear the socks and leggings underneath my training kit. I wear the t-shirts to train in. I’m going to be wearing it to play in. I put it on at the start of the day and basically don’t take it off. I sleep in my leggings and t-shirt every night, and I wear my socks to play in! Even I’ll admit that KYMIRA probably don’t intend their products to be pajamas!”[1]

But Stevens makes a great point about how adaptable KYMIRA infrared technology is. “The science behind the clothing is deep-rooted in its production. It’s almost impossible to avoid KYMIRA Technology from having its intended effect!”

Injury Prevention and Shoulder Health

“As a bowler, you’re at a greater risk of shoulder injuries,” Stevens acknowledges. “We keep our strength up with a lot of rotator cuff strength work, some band exercises, light weights—not too heavy. Bizarrely, it’s not something we struggle with because we’re using it all the time. We don’t get long breaks in between where if you’ve not thrown for a while and all of a sudden you throw really hard or far, you can pick up injuries.”

Training Philosophy:

As Stevens stepped away from the intensity of pro cricket, he began to focus on training smarter. He wanted to work smart, not hard.  To complement his focus on smarter training, Stevens incorporated Pilates, deep tissue massages, and a custom training schedule into his routine. These additions proved to be key elements. They reflected a holistic approach to staying in top shape.

This cricketer’s legacy is not just in his runs or wins. It’s in the example he set for adapting to the changing demands of sport. His story is about resilience and innovation. He has an enduring love for cricket that goes beyond age and time.

[1] Many people reported that their Kymira garments helped them sleep. In 2023, Kymira added pyjamas to their men’s and women’s range of recovery clothes.

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